As humans, we tend to collect things and organize them. In this post, I organize some of the most useful information revolving around entrepreneurship and living a purposeful life.
Links and Blog posts
- Guided Engineering Assistance @ Dragon
- A good article about doing thing the right time the first time
- Looking to Bootstrap your startup?
- Making molds
- Another good article about hardware projects
- Shoplocket keeps track of new hardware startups
Hardware Accelerators
I am a huge fan of podcasts. They easily fill the silence that usually occurs whenever i’m cooking or making my way around the city. Here are some of my favorites:
- The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes
- The Smart Business Revolution
- The Good Life Project
- Shop Talk Radio
Here are some episodes that particularly hit home:
Company culture:
Jonathan Fields and Ron Friedman distills down some of the most important aspects of what makes the best work places. More here.
Take care of your people
I personally feel like most companies focus so strongly on their goals that they forget about what’s most important, their people. This isn’t a woo-woo concept. Unfortunately, saying “employees are the most important part of the company” doesn’t exactly reflect how much the leadership really cares in a company. Nick and Dale cut right to the chase and talk about how Dale built Sevenly focusing on people first and the actions Dale took to make his company great. More here.
Here are some books that I have personally read and recommend:
More soon!
More soon as I come across other great resources. Happy trails!
Last Modified: 2020.3.7